Delete Published Data

The following HTTP request method allows you to delete a single data object or a set of published data objects.  At least one of the following parameters is required: id, beforeafter or at. Please refer to Data Types for the definitions of TIMESTAMP, OID, TIMESTAMP_CSV and PLUG_ID_CSV.

The delete request is queued to be executed at a later time.


Method :


Base Url :

Headers :

 X-Plug-Id  : [PLUG_ID], // The PlugId received on Enroll Response
 X-Plug-Auth: [String]   // Auth string

Body :

   id	   : [OID],               // ID of the published data
   before  : [TIMESTAMP || OID],  // Object ID of published data
   after   : [TIMESTAMP || OID],  // Object ID of published data
   at      : [TIMESTAMP_CSV],     // a comma separated sequence of time stamps of published data
   of      : [PLUG_ID_CSV],       // a comma separated sequence of PlugIDs that publish data
   channel : [CHANNEL] 		  // optional channel


Status :

202 Accepted  // in case of success

Body :

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Last updated on 6th May 2021